Monday, June 8, 2009

One Year Down, A Lifetime to Go

It's hard to believe that it has already been a year since Chuck and I were married. It's been a wonderful year and I can't wait to see what the years ahead have in store for us. The Thursday before our anniversary I surprised him with a hotel room at the Hyatt. We went to a nice dinner at Kona Grill then went to Skies for some drinks and to enjoy the beautful view. Since we got married on a Friday our anniversary fell on a Saturday which happened to be my friend Mindy's wedding. We were able to celebrate surrounded by so many great was a wonderful night!
Here we are today celebrating 1 year and also celebrating Mindy and Josh beginning their lives together as well!
Here's us 1 year ago on our wedding day!


Whitney and Dustin said...

You look beautiful! What a great dress too!

Amber said...

Congrats again! They say the first year is the hardest to survive in a marriage ... you made it! :)