Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Zoo

A couple weeks ago I went to the zoo with my mom and dad and Shanna and Kali. It was a very exciting day for Kali because it was her first trip to the zoo and she loves animals! Shanna has been practicing different sounds animals make with her, so she was definitely prepared to talk to them. She told me that donkeys say "uh huh" and sheeps say "bah-bah" and kitties say "meow" and doggies say "woof." As you can see in the video she was talking to the sheep in the petting zoo and most of them were talking back. She's a pretty smart girl for a 2-year-old...I'm not partial or anything though! :) It was a long and very hot day at the zoo but we all had a really great time. We're looking forward to going in the early fall sometime when it's not quite so hot.
Kali giggled everytime to goat touched her hand...it was so cute!
My mom and dad took Kali on a camel ride...it was a pretty funny sight to see 2 grown adults riding on a camel.

The sheep in the petting zoo weren't shy when they saw my mom with some food for them.

Mr. Gorilla was lying by the window so Kali could hang out with him.


Lisa said...

Too cute! It looks like she had such a great time!

The Foley Five said...

Ahhh, what a cute little girl! :-)
Haha... what a fun day we had!!